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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Biker mom

As Lauren and I were walking from the daycare playground this evening, a family came up behind us. "Where's your bike?" the dad asked. It took me a moment to register that he was talking to me. "It was raining this morning so I left it at home today." I replied. He and his wife nodded in acknowlegment. I've never spoken to this family before but I've seen them around the neighbourhood, and they've obviously seen me.

And there you have it. I am officially recognized as the mom with the bike. It's not the riding of the bike that's so special, but the action of me pushing the bike and the stroller with Lauren sitting in it at the same time. Because I ride my bike to and from work most days, the best technique to manage the last few minutes of the way from daycare to home is with stroller on my left and bike on my right. They're all on wheels so it's really not at all as awkward as it may seem, but it sure attracts a lot of attention from passers by.

I've been doing this simultaneous bike and stroller push for over a year now and still hear comments from people asking how I manage. "You sure have your hands full!" Or, "Wow, how are you doing that?!" I often get offers from people who want to help. A few months ago a woman riding by on a tandem bike stopped to ask if I was interested in a child bike seat. I had considered a bike seat before I came up with this push technique, but decided against it. Traffic is too busy where I live and if I were ever to get bumped by a car, Lauren would go down with me and I'm not willing to take that risk.

It makes me happy to know that there are so many thoughtful people in the neighbourhood, but to be honest, the best help is to stay out of my way. I just need a clear path down the sidewalk and I'm good to go.

Still, for all the attention, wanted or not, and the 10 minutes it takes to push us home, it's worth it to be outdoors on my bike.

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