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Monday, July 25, 2011

Rain rain go away...

Actually, I was happy to hear the rain pouring down this morning. Not so happy to be woken up from a very peaceful sleep mind you, but whatever. I'll forgive Mother Nature this time.

The waterproofers were scheduled to come today to work their magic on our basement, but had to postpone due to rain. I imagine they'll be back later in the week after the ground has a chance to dry out.

We still haven't had the AC cleaned because two appointments were postponed do to rain back in May (or was it June??). There are so many work from home days that C can or is willing to take, so I have a feeling the AC will have to stay grubby until next Spring. Fingers crossed that it doesn't conk out on us now.

In the meantime I am positive that my poor parched garden is thankful for the dousing, because I sure haven't been paying it any attention lately. Some of the wild flowers popped up in the front yard, which I'm pleased to see, but I don't know what happened to all the sunflowers I planted in the back. Couldn't take the heat I guess.

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